Welcoming you to join us in:
A Movement for Great Mother
Circling For The Last Stand
Mother Trees Stand Stronger Together
We wish to invite you to a circle of women in solidarity with the Last Stand Movement - Protection for Fairy Creek.
Coming together as women have for generations, we invite you to continue this thread of prayer, healing, centering and returning home to our whole selves. May this coming together ripple out to benefit all our relations, especially the healing of our Great Mother Earth. All of you is welcome here.
Our aim is to bring together our voices, our passions and what we are invoking change into - how can we empower movements that we bring?
Currently the first is the Last Stand for Ancient Forests. Can we unify and create an even bigger ripple of change together? We hold a key of faith that we absolutely can. Within our relationships, our coherence, our solidarity —- we are unshakable.
Some explorations we are interested in:
*Restorying motherhood through an ecocentric lens in connection to our embodied ecology
*Valuing empowering and uplifting each other
*Reclaiming traditions, ancestral healing, magic & remembering our connection to Great Mother
*Reclaiming solidarity and belonging in circle, building relational trust
*Resourcing from the group, honouring the sacred talents we all have
* Empathetic reflections, and holding spaces to process all aspects of motherhood
*All of you is welcome here.
Join us for the initial opening circle zoom call to be announced soon!