Mothers for the Earth
We are a grassroots organization of educated collaborators that was founded by two mothers based on a shared passion to be of service to the Ada’itsx, Fairy Creek Blockade Ancient Forest protection. We have been growing and working on projects with numerous mothers and cocreators of all walks of life. Our aim is to uplift the Indigenous & Pacheedaht voices that are leaders within this movement and echo their rights to sovereignty with their stance on how we are to be with their land.
We care deeply about the future of our planet for all of our children and how we leave this place to them, and therefore wish to be of service to the shifts needed within the systems of control as they are that need to change with our direct action and involvement. We invite any of you who hear this call to join us in collaboration, with questions or support, to join the movement!
Our Mission
We are a resource base and media platform, to educate on and inspire action within this movement to protect what is sacred the land and water, and the future sustainability of the ecosystem that will support life on this planet for our future grandchildren.
We offer this website as a bundle to you where you may find educational videos we have made, information on how to get involved from home, other allies within this movement, education on the ecosystem, numerous interviews we have done with leaders in the movement, and more news related to the current affairs in regards to the Ancient Forest protection.
Asha Mærie
As a Holistic Health Practitioner, specializing in Counseling & Breathwork Journeys, she walks in deep reverence for the reciprocal nature of the trees and our lungs, the waters in our veins. She is passionate about ecological activism and transformational healing arts, attuning with natural world empathy and her ancestral rituals. She is a mother of a two-year-old son, now settled in ( Komok’s) Courtaney, British Columbia. She holds great passion for systematic change and social justice, especially for the Indigenous Sovereign rights restored and healing for the colonization of these lands she is now settled on. She recognizes the world holds the grief of the colonized destruction that has happened within her willingness to be heartbroken.
Paula Johansson
She is an earth-loving artist mama. She walks with compassion in her daily life and trusts deeply in the humility and the power of each of our own intuitions.
She is a practicing reclaiming witch and an activist for ecological justice and Indigenous sovereignty.
Her work is centered and deeply rooted in ceremony and ancestral DNA healing practices. She works to restore that which has been lost in our current colonial systems.